Automatic Trim Control

Automatic trim control provides perfect trim at all times, without the need for manual adjustment. This function will allow you to correct the trim angle by lowering the bow of the boat. Automatic trim control is included in all Humphree stabilization systems.


  • Automatic trim control in motion.
  • Easy installation on the control panel.


  • Fuel savings, increased visibility and speed.
  • Faster acceleration.
control trimado automatico humphree camber marine

Automatic List Control

Automatic list control keeps your boat in a uniform position. This function corrects the boat’s list at any time to a predetermined angle of heel, normally zero degrees. Although the operator can also adjust it manually and intentionally.


  • Automatic list control.
  • Adjustable list target angle.
  • Easy installation on the control panel.


  • Perfect control of the heel angle, regardless of the wind direction or the size of the load.
  • Increased comfort, control and handling.
control inclinacion automatico humphree camber marine

Coordinated Turn Control

The coordinated turn feature automatically adjusts the heel angle for greater speed and comfort in tight turns. This feature also allows you to significantly improve your steering ability and can be combined with other features such as automatic trim control and automatic list control for increased comfort.


  • Automatic list angle control during turns.
  • Interface with most steering systems, including Volvo Penta IPS.
  • Easy installation on the control panel.


  • Controlled list angle during turns for greater comfort and safety.
  • Possibility to turn closer with a reduced turning radius.
  • Higher speed during turns.
funcion giro coordinado humphree camber marine

Active Stabilization function

The active stabilization function eliminates the feeling of dizziness and fatigue with the push of a button. Thanks to the Humphree Active Ride Control system, the interceptors provide lift that counteracts roll and pitch movements while optimizing ride trim and heel angle.


  • Advanced suspension control unit.
  • Automatic trim and list control.
  • Easy installation or retrofit in monohulls and catamarans.


  • Effective roll and pitch damping at semi-planing and planing speeds.
  • All-in-one system: trim and stabilization.
  • Improves operability with reduced movements.
  • Minimal resistance and added weight.
  • Easy upgrade from any other Humphree system.
funcion estabilizacion activa humphree camber marine

Stabilizing fins function

The stabilizing fin system provides a reduction in roll and pitch motions and is usually installed on commercial vessels.

funciones humphree ferry camber marine

Fins Zero Speed function

Zero speed fins provide great stabilization at all speeds, both at anchor and speeds up to 40 knots.

funcion alertas velocidad cero humphree camber marine

Interceptor Steering function

Interceptor steering is mainly installed on high speed water jet powered ferries. This system helps in turning, saves fuel and increases efficiency. It provides the vessel with immediate steering force and gives it a much straighter course compared to the usual irregular path.


  • Increased speed.
  • Fuel savings between 3 and 5%.
  • Saving in steering mechanisms by waterjets.
funcion direccion interceptor humphree camber marine

If you would like to install any Humphree product on your vessel, please contact us!
We travel to where your boat is located.

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