Lightspeed: protect your underwater lights

If you are thinking of protecting your underwater lights, you will need Lighspeed. The application of this product will prevent the growth of marine organisms from adhering to the surface of your underwater lights. Lightspeed is a totally transparent product that improves the brightness and extends their useful life.

LightSpeed Propspeed

Lightspeed benefits

  • Improves luminosity by reducing its dispersion.
  • It is environmentally friendly: it does not contain toxic substances.
  • Its minimum duration is one year in most conditions.
aplicacion lightspeed prospeed cambermarine

How to apply Lightspeed

1.Clean the surface and delimit the area to be applied with adhesive tape. Don’t forget to wear gloves throughout the process.
2.Prepare the surface with the Lightclean wipes: clean it down with the wipes and dab it dry with a clean cloth.
3.Apply the Lightspeed product with the brush included in the kit. When it is dry add the Clear Coat on the brush.

Drying time:
Minimum 8 hours. In colder conditions (5-13 C), we recommend waiting at least 24 hours.